Finding and developing a strong and highly performing business development function has been and will continue to be the challenge for many businesses. In a marketplace where new business prospects are influenced more so than ever by what they see, read and hear, the importance of a strong and well-connected business development function cannot be underestimated.
At Just Williams we pride ourselves on being much more than simply a direct sales team, offering our clients and prospects a well-rounded sales development function that includes all elements of business development. From client profile development, tele-prospecting, events and networking to trade association memberships and strong regional relationships, we offer our clients the advantage of a full business development team rather than simply an individual.
With the advantage of more than one person working on your account – coupled with the relationships we hold throughout the region – the attractions of outsourcing become very clear. We work to make sure very defined business targets are established at the outset, so you know at every stage where our focus is, and at what point of the sales cycle we’re working. With campaigns that can be turned on and off to suit budgets, giving you the flexibility of a business development function that is agile and flexible the benefits of outsourcing your sales development function quickly start to outweigh the cost of an in-house function.
The argument to outsource or not will always remain, but the reality is, as businesses demand faster, quicker and high value contracts with business development functions expected to turn these opportunities around quicker than ever, then outsourcing is fast becoming a strong and value add alternative.